Sunday, 17 May 2020

hAPPy learning for hAPPy body

About the project

Alumnado de Técnico Superior en Documentación y Adminidtración Sanitaria
Módulo profesional de Ofimática y proceso de la Información.
Niveles educativos de los estudiantes del proyecto:
  • Secundaria (Grecia)
  • Bachiller científico (Italia)
  • Escuela de adultos (Suecia)
  • Academia de adultos (Eslovaquia)

Human beings are not only human bodies. Learning is not only contents achievement. The project “hAAPy learning for hAAPy body” claims to connect scientific contents to emotions and thoughts; whole human being is involved in a fun effective and affective learning environment.

Students accept the challenge of building a human body in 24 weeks through collaboration of partners from different countries. Through a creative use of ICT, students will improve scientific knowledge and English communication skills and also develop key skills essential in their future workplaces to work in teams, to establish effective communication, to seek consensus, to solve problems, to plan, to be creators, learners, thinkers.

This project characterizes to involve content, communication, cognition, teamwork and aspects from different cultures, countries and healthy ways of living in today’s society.
Everyone is invited to join this challenge and all the contributions will be welcome.

  1. To improve key competences (communication in foreign language-English, ICT skills and civic.
  2. To learn what teamwork involves: respect o the roles and ponit of views, , do the tasks, accept team accords, be honest, eliminate conflicts, trust teammates, etc
  3. To meet students from different countries and cultures and learn as much as they can from others.
  4. To manage ICT tools to construct amazing learning outcomes relflecting both conceptual knowledge and essential skills and the desire of learning together.
  5. To acquire healthy habits and prevent from disorders or diseases.
  6. Knowing human body and human beings parts in a very inclusive and positive atmosphere of learning.
  7. Disseminate eTwinning’advantages as an educational platform for collaborative learning among schools and other teaching and learning environments such as prospective teachers’ postgraduate courses (Master Degree in Teaching).
  8. To create, share knowledge and learning products in educational/social net.
Work Process

The project title and its logo have been created and chose by voting before applying for approval. Once the Twinspace is provided, teams and roles will be assigned for each week, according to the established plan.
Activities and tasks that involve collaboration will be purposed and well planned including the target topic, the ICT tools, the learning products, the way and time to meet the partners in real life if is considered and the evaluation tool to assess the process.
  • Weeks0 (Teachers work to meet and plan the project: founders and partners)
  • Week1 (Preparatory activities with students and be ready to request for approval to eTwinning)
  • Week2-3 (General introduction on human body)
  • Week4-14/16 (each week will be dedicated to a different Body System)
  • Week15/19 (Resting and relaxing week to enjoy)
  • Week 20 (Project assessment/purposes to improve)
  • Weeks 21-24 (Teachers teamwork: Dissemination/reflection)
  • Plan at
Expected results

  1. Friendship and awareness of global, tolerant and inclusive citizenship in today’s society.
  2. A platform to disseminate the project such as web page, a digital book or/and a blog (it will be planned by teams after seeking consensus).
  3. ICT outcomes for presentations such as interactive infographics, images and posters.
  4. A virtual place to collect and share not only the ICT tools but also the scientist sources of information to create the learning products such a SymbalooEDU account or similar.
  5. Short videos to show the activities and tasks used in the project.
  6. Memes and gifs to add a ludic component to the project.
  7. Dissemination of the project results such as paper for educational congress or similar.
El alumnado expuso su proyecto en la Consellería de Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport en una jornada de Erasmus e eTwinning. Siempre en eTwinning es protagonista el alumnado. Enhorabuena!!

Our project was awarded with both National and European Quality Label

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