Saturday, 10 July 2021

European Jobs for You(th)


About the project

Do our students know what they need to do to fulfil their future job expectations? They make and will make important decisions that will shape their future. Maybe that when they finish their vocational and technical undergraduate courses at our schools, they are not aware of possible future labour contexts abroad.
While the world of work has undergone major changes in the last few decades, jobs expectations of youths have changed little. Only few of them include in their job expectations the possibility to work in a country different from theirs.
With the labour market undergoing rapid, essential change –decisions-making for our students are more important, but also more difficult.
This project will help our students have the opportunity to share their jobs dreams and expectations and will be aware of working abroad can also be a key point in their future careers.


Effective job possibilities guidance encourages students to reflect on where they will have chance to work and what kind of professional, they want to become and to think critically about the relationships between their educational choices and future jobs in their own countries and abroad. Some of the aims of this project are: 

  1. To motivate students to better understand some possible future job profiles in their own countries and abroad, 
  2. To actively know how to apply for different jobs in the European Union and beyond,
  3. To fortify the importance of marketable skills.
  4. To access to trustworthy labour market information and advice/guidance from well-trained and impartial resources.
  5. To foster curiosity, creativity, love for learning and to open their minds to different ways of living, thinking, and working.
  6. To connects classroom learning with future labour contexts and professional lives.
  7. To boost students’ understanding of jobs and careers abroad.


Our initial timeline could be modified according to the project path but approximately:
Up to September: Teachers pre-planning.
  • September: welcome to eTwinning, code of conduct, commitment to netiquette rules, Twinspace, who is who, where we live, this is our school and international teams. Communication in forums.
  • October: Job profile knowledge brainstorming. What kind of jobs could our students develop as soon as they finish their vocational studies? Student will create digital products to share possible job profiles in all countries of the project partners.
  • November-December: Students will explore on the internet some jobs offers and vacancies related to their education and will prepare an application form according to the offer.
  • January-February: How could our student apply for jobs abroad? They will share their CV created with a variety of IT tools in order to improve their digital knowledge and marketable skills with the ideas and contributions from all eTwinners.


  • Marketable, digital, social and communication skills improvement.
  • International chances of work awareness in motion. 
  • International Twinspace with digital products to foster our students expectations to work abroad.
  • An international e-Book of European jobs and a Blog to share and disseminate our students’ skillset improvement.
  • Virtual exhibition of posters and any other digital products created in the project.

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