Erasmus Days 2020
Let's celebrate an amazing Erasmus Days Digital Journey from 14th to 16th October. There are some of the activities in which, Ausiàs March Technical and Vocational School will take part:
- Online event: teacher training seminar
- Confirmados los seminarios de formación en competencia digital, entornos virtuales de aprendizaje (Moodle y eTwinning) y otras herramientas tecnológicas y de internacionalización de la enseñanza-aprendizaje del alumnado de formación profesional (FP).
- Webinar in eTwinning:
próximo día 15 de octubre a las 16:30 se celebrará el webinar eTwinning
y la FP: Internacionaliza tu aula del grupo eTwinning y FP. Aquí tenéis el
enlace. Enlace:
Los ponentes presentarán las ventajas y
posibilidades para el profesorado de FP que supone un proyecto eTwinning a la
hora de integrarlo en su módulo profesional.
On 15th at 16:30 CEST on eTwinning we will celebrate a webinar for begginers etwinning teachers from Spain. Feel free to join it, everyone is welcome.
- Erasmus days event with other educational institution (CIPFP Misericordia) sharing our experiences and projects.
- Webinar with Branko Rumenović
Gimnazija i strukovna škola Bernardina Frankopana, Ogulin, Croatia
We will share knowledge about Key Actions in Erasmus+ and projects on
- Virtual Dashboard on we will share Erasmus+ experiences with other teachers and students.We share on a virtual dashboard our experiences, dreams and thoughts related to Erasmus + mobilities within: Click on the pink plus icon, add your experience and wait to be approved (as soon as we see it)
- Key Actions 1: KA_103 for higher education
- Key Actions 1: KA_102 for Vocational Education and Training
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